Because John sang it, you might have to give him 60 percent of it. We’d often work those out as we wrote them. “We wrote the melody together you can hear on the record, John’s taking the melody and I‘m singing harmony with it. “’Ticket To Ride’ was written by John and myself in the middle of some other stuff for the film at his house ( Kenwood) one afternoon,” McCartney remembers. John said he would get together with Paul as soon as he got back to London and finish it off.” John got back from his vacation on February 7th, but Paul had already left for his vacation in Tunisia by that time, so the writing of “Ticket To Ride” had to wait until February 14th when Paul got back. James continues, “Then, one evening…in February (1965), when John joined George Martin for a skiing holiday in Switzerland, John borrowed a guitar from their skiing instructor and strummed through a tune.” George Martin remembers, “I liked it straightaway. John had taken Dick James' advice and began to put together the song. I encouraged John to work at it and the matter then passed into the back of my mind.” From this account, we can date the initial idea for the song between December 21st and 24th, 1964, since this is when rehearsals for their Christmas show were held. She’s got a ticket to ride.’ I liked the phrase, for it was a slightly more original idea than usual for expressing goodbye and parting. ‘There’s a title I’ve got in mind,’ John said to me, ‘which I can’t get rid of. Soon after, John started on the same tunes that Paul had just been singing.

Then, he sang a few snatches of melody to me, which he and John had in mind for future songs. “Ticket To Ride” began to be conceived as an idea for a future song as early as December, 1964 as recalled by The Beatles music publisher Dick James: “It was…during rehearsals for ‘(Another) Beatles Christmas Show’ at the Hammersmith Odeon, that I sat with Paul in the stalls, watching some of the other acts.

And by May of that year, they had their eighth British and American number one single. John and Paul’s new collaborative effort “Ticket To Ride” was their first offering that day, and they worked hard to perfect it before moving on. When they entered the recording studio for the first time in 1965, they were very sure of themselves. The result was that they didn’t need to second-guess themselves anymore as to what would be the next single. In the process, with clear heads, inspiration ran high. This well deserved rest resulted in a chance for all to live a normal life and recharge their batteries for the equally hectic 1965 that lay ahead. They ended the year in their home-base of London performing a 20-night variety show entitled “Another Beatles Christmas Show.” Shortly after this ended, it was finally rest time! John vacationed in Switzerland, Paul vacationed in Tunisia, and Ringo got married. What resulted was a thrown together, yet amazing, album entitled “Beatles For Sale.” They struggled to come up with something commercial enough for their next single and kept second-guessing themselves until they decided on offering “ I Feel Fine” and “ She’s A Woman” as their end-of-the-year single, which didn’t fail to satisfy. With all of this on their plate, they scrambled to write enough material to satisfy Beatles fans worldwide who were expecting to have their ears tantalized.
The beatles ticket to ride lyrics movie#
In between extensive touring in Britain, America, Sweden and Scotland, as well as television and radio appearances and interviews and movie premiers, they were obligated to record an entire new album and single for release in time for the Christmas-buying season. It’s amazing what good a vacation can do! The second half of 1964 was completely hectic for The Beatles.